Site visits

Outokumpu hosts on regular basis site visits for institutional investors and analysts to our main facilities: Kemi mine and Tornio stainless steel mill in Finland, Krefeld stainless steel mill in Germany and Calvert stainless steel mill in the US.
Page last updated: 03.10.2024

Earlier site visits

Kemi 2024

Outokumpu arranged a site visit to Kemi mine for investors, analysts, and bankers on Tuesday, September 10, 2024.

Kemi site visit presentation


Nordea's US site tour: Calvert 2022

Outokumpu participated in Nordea’s US site tour for Finnish institutional investor on September 20, 2022

Calvert site visit presentation


Site visit to Kemi and Tornio 2022

Outokumpu hosted a site visit for analysts, bankers and institutional investors to our Kemi chrome mine and Tornio stainless steel mill in Finland on June 15, 2022

Kemi site visit presentation

Tornio site visit presentation

Site visit to Calvert 2019

Outokumpu hosted a site visit for institutional investors and analysts to the stainless steel mill in Calvert, AL, US on April 2, 2019.

Calvert site visit presentation

Site visit to Kemi and Tornio 2018

Outokumpu hosted a site visit for institutional investors and analysts to Kemi chrome mine on June 13 and Tornio stainless steel mill on June 14, 2018.

BA Europe presentation

Kemi mine presentation

Tornio mill presentation

Ferrochrome presentation

Aiming for a step-change in reliability


Site visit to Calvert 2017

Outokumpu hosted a site visit for institutional investors and analysts to the stainless steel mill in Calvert, AL, US on March 7, 2017. Altogether 28 investors and analysts joined the visit.

Calvert site visit presentation


Site visit to Kemi and Tornio 2015

Outokumpu hosted a site visit for institutional investors to the Kemi mine and Tornio stainless steel plant in Finland on October 7, 2015. Altogether 26 investors and analysts joined the annual visit.

Outokumpu assets in Kemi and Tornio, including the ferrochrome operations, are key to Outokumpu competitiveness and the European set up. The restructuring of the European asset base is progressing as planned and enabling higher utilization in Tornio and Avesta.

Presentation by CFO

Kemi mine presentation

Tornio mill presentation


More information on our main sites

Calvert, Alabama, USA
Kemi Mine, Finland
Krefeld, Germany
Tornio, Finland
Tornio, Finland – Ferrochrome