- Process industry storage tanks
- Storage tank terminals
- Food & wine tanks
- Pressure vessels
- Road tankers
- Cryogenic tanks
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YleiskatsausTietoa Outokummusta Yleiskatsaus
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YleiskatsausUra Outokummussa
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YleiskatsausStainless steel for storage tanks
Use our calculators to calculate material consumption for both storage tanks as well as pressure vessels.
The pressure vessel calculator is used to calculate estimated plate thickness for cylindrical shell of a vessel and compare different alloys and their relative thicknesses.
The storage tank calculator is used to calculate material consumption of a cylindrical shell of a tank and compare selected alloys.
Duplex stainless steels combine many of the outstanding properties of ferritic and austenitic steels. Thanks to high levels of chromium and nitrogen, and frequently molybdenum, these steels offer good resistance to local and uniform corrosion.
Furthermore, their low nickel content implies a stable price, which, combined with high strength, makes Duplex a cost-efficient alternative to lower strength stainless as well as coated carbon steels.
When investing in a new storage tank park, considering the Life Cycle Cost (LCC) is just as important as the initial costs for materials and construction. By doing so, you’ll often find that using Duplex stainless steel is a very cost competitive alternative. For example, stainless steel doesn’t require regular repainting to maintain its function, the general need for maintenance is much reduced, and the overall life-length of tanks made with Duplex stainless steel is simply outstanding.
Thanks to superior strength compared to standard stainless steels, Duplex lets you reduce material weight – and cut costs! The Duplex grades of today offer high corrosion resistance, which means low maintenance costs and no need for coating.
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