Everyone working for Outokumpu has the right to a safe and healthy working environment. Outokumpu complies with all relevant legal and workplace occupational health and safety requirements.
Outokumpu believes that all accidents and occupational ill health are preventable. Outokumpu promotes well-being at the workplace whilst aiming to lessen absences. The focus is to minimize the impact of work-related risks. A safe and healthy workplace leads to higher motivation, employee engagement and improved productivity. Enacting this goal and mission requires consistent actions to promote the development of occupational health and safety systems and processes, employee ownership and consultation, commitment from leadership and overall occupational health and safety awareness.
All employees and contractors working for Outokumpu must demonstrate safe behavior according to Outokumpu’s work instructions and working procedures and support others in working in a safe manner. Outokumpu strives to build a positive safety culture in the spirit of continual improvement. All hazards, near misses, accidents, and occupational illnesses must be reported so that appropriate measures can be taken to minimize their reoccurrence. Everyone is encouraged to report observations or opportunities for improvement, which is supported by Outokumpu’s safety awards program.