In workplaces where several companies work at the same time, one company's work can create risks for employees of other companies. Then it is important that there is coordination in order to not put each other in danger. The coordination responsibility is largely about taking responsibility for good work planning to avoid risks. Avesta Works, as a fixed establishment, has knowledge of, and responsibility for, the risks arising at the site. Avesta Works is thereby also responsible for the coordination when several companies work in the area at the same time.

Communication between all involved is important for good planning. As contractor, you are expected to provide information on how your work will be carried out, the risks involved and how it might affect in the surrounding area. Stop meetings/coordination meetings are important forums to be able to plan for safe work.

  • In Avesta Works' coordination system, a risk assessment is made of all contractor works and how they can impact and are impacted by other works. Printed and signed coordination forms work as permit for the contractor to perform the work.
  • It is important that you, as a contractor, inform the representative for Avesta Works when the conditions change, for example, if there will be more work or if the work will take more time than planned.
  • If you discover risks or if there is an incident or accident, notify as soon as possible the contact person or the person responsible for the area. This to correct or prevent more serious events as soon as possible.


Staff rooms

Avesta Works' staff rooms, dining rooms and dressing rooms may not normally be used by contractors. Exceptions can be granted by respective management team.


Online safety course and knowledge test

To receive your certificate, read through the following sections and then take the knowledge test:

1. Introduction

2. General

3. Awareness of the risks

4. Coordination of contractors

5. High-risk work

6. Safe access

7. In case of an accident

8. Test